“Please Protect Life because….”

Help women so that ending the life of our children through abortion becomes unthinkable.Please Protect Life message

Please Protect Life because….”


Californians for Life invites citizens throughout our state to answer the “Please Protect Life because…”  prompt so that we can deliver your message to our legislators.

This will be accomplished in three ways:

1. Written responses: K-12 students and adults are invited to answer “Please Protect Life because…” in an age-appropriate manner, whether it be a kindergartener’s drawing of his baby brother, a high school student’s two-page persuasive essay, or a family’s poignant adoption story.  These messages will be delivered to our legislators.  We want to convey to our legislators a very strong message that California is pro-life!  Fill out this “Please Protect Life because…”  Registration Form  and send in your entry, so that we can deliver them to the capitol!
Send entries to:Californians for Life Logo with website address
Californians for Life
P.O. Box 642
Pleasant Grove, CA  95668

2. Video responses: Citizens throughout our state are invited to make a short youtube video to answer the prompt Please Protect Life because…”   We will feature the very best videos on our website. This could be post-abortive women telling their story or it could be a class of 3rd graders from Imperial Valley simply saying something like “Please Protect Life because LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!”.  These videos will be used to create a Californians for Life promotional video.  See this  video made by a similar pro-life grass-roots organization, showing what a difference we can make, yes, even here in CA!  It is simple- just make a video, upload your video to youtube and then send the link to info@californiansforlife.org

3.  Photo responses:  Citizens throughout our state are invited to take a photo of themselves in their own community, so that the photo background conveys their environment/geographic location in our great state, holding a sign/poster/chalkboard/piece of paper that completes the promptPlease Protect Life because….”.  These photos will be used on our website and in promotional materials to convey the very powerful message that California is pro-life These could be school kids in urban Los Angeles, a pregnancy clinic staff in San Diego,  friends at Disneyland, pro-lifers camping in Yosemite, a family holding a new baby, a hiker atop Mount Shasta, pro-lifers at the beach, a pro-lifer on a Harley motorcycle with the Golden Gate bridge in the background, or a farm family in the central valley.  This effort will be on-going beyond January.  Simply email all “Please Protect Life because…” photos to info@californiansforlife.org