Fetal abnormality? Down syndrome?

When given difficult prenatal news, often abortion is encouraged.   We hope that mothers and families will receive the love, help and support they neeDown Syndrome- Every Life Has Valued so that they can choose life for their babies.  See BeNotAfraid and PreNatalPartnersForLife for support, encouragement, and information. PrenatalHospice provides especially valuable support for parents and lists medical teams throughout California who specialize in caring for families with difficult diagnoses.   Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep is an incredibly beautiful, sensitive, loving, compassionate ministry to help families who are experiencing the very difficult news that their baby may not survive.   Love and compassion are what is needed in these very difficult circumstances, not the added trauma and pain of abortion.

Dear future Mom…

A Special Mother is Born

In cases where a fetal abnormality is detected, let us come along beside women and families with help, support, and love.